# Radio (fw-radio)

fw-radio displays a radio button on the user interface and enables assigning a state (selected or deselected) to it. In the selected state, the button displayed is highlighted. fw-radio provides child elements for fw-radio-group, to populate the Radio Group component’s list.

# Demo

Agree or Disagree

Disabled radio
Show Code

# Usage

# Properties

Property Attribute Description Type Default
checked checked Sets the state to selected. If the attribute’s value is undefined, the value is set to false. boolean false
description description Description to be displayed for the checkbox. string ''
disabled disabled Disables the component on the interface. If the attribute’s value is undefined, the value is set to false. boolean false
label label [DEPRECATED] Use description instead. Label displayed on the interface, for the check box.

string ''
name name Name of the component, saved as part of form data. string ''
state state Theme based on which the radio button is styled. "error" \| "normal" 'normal'
value value Identifier corresponding to the component, that is saved when the form data is saved. string ''

# Events

Event Description Type
fwBlur Triggered when the radio button loses focus. CustomEvent<any>
fwChange Triggered when the radio button is toggled. CustomEvent<any>
fwDeselect Triggered when the radio button in focus is cleared. CustomEvent<any>
fwFocus Triggered when the radio button comes into focus. CustomEvent<void>
fwSelect /** Triggered when the radio button in focus is selected. CustomEvent<any>

# Methods

# setFocus() => Promise<void>

Sets focus on a specific fw-radio.

# Returns

Type: Promise<void>

# Dependencies

# Used by

# Graph

graph TD;
  fw-form-control --> fw-radio
  style fw-radio fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

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