# Migrating to v4

# What's new in v4

  • Date Time Picker Component.
  • RTL Support.

# Migration Guide

The below covers some of the major breaking changes introduced in Crayons v4.

To view the comprehensive list, check the breaking changes guide (opens new window).

# Timepicker

fw-timepicker: changed the default value of format from hh:mm a to locale based format. min and max time will be based on locale time format

# Tabs

  • CSS Variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --fw-tabs-margin-l renamed --fw-tabs-margin-inline-start (Left margin if direction is left-to-right, and Right margin if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)
    --fw-tabs-margin-r renamed --fw-tabs-margin-inline-end (Right margin if direction is left-to-right, and Left margin if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)
    --fw-tabs-padding-left renamed --fw-tabs-padding-inline-start (Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and Right padding if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)
    --fw-tabs-padding-right renamed --fw-tabs-padding-inline-end (Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and Left padding if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)

# Usage via CDN

From your app’s root html file add the following scripts:


You can now use the Crayons components just like how you would use any other html element.

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You can use jsDelivr (opens new window) to query specific versions in your app.

# Usage via Node Modules

  • Install the package
  npm install @freshworks/crayons@v4 --save
  • Put a script tag similar to this
<script src="node_modules/@freshworks/crayons/dist/crayons/crayons.js"></script>

in the head of your index.html

  • Now you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc.
Last Updated: 4/4/2023, 5:43:37 PM