# Textarea (fw-textarea)

fw-textarea displays an input box on the user interface and enables assigning multi-line text value to it. The size of the input box is based on the cols and rows attributes.

# Demo

`hint-text`, `warning-text`, `error-text` can be passed as slots

Enter location details
Show Code

# Usage

<fw-textarea cols=75 rows=5 maxlength=190 minlength=5
  warning-text="Do not enter your temporary address"
  placeholder="Enter your permanent address"
<fw-textarea cols=75 rows=5
  error-text="Passcode is incorrect"
<h3>`hint-text`, `warning-text`, `error-text` can be passed as slots</h3>
<fw-textarea cols=75 rows=5
  label="Location identifier"
placeholder="Enter landmark details"
  <div slot="hint-text">Enter location details</div>
<fw-textarea cols=75 rows=1
  label="Plot number"
  value="not applicable"
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { FwTextarea } from "@freshworks/crayons/react";
function App() {
  return (<div>
            <FwTextarea cols={75} rows={5} maxlength={190} minlength={5}
              warningText="Do not enter your temporary address"
              placeholder="Enter your permanent address"
            <FwTextarea cols={75} rows={5}
              errorText="Passcode is incorrect"
            <h3>`hint-text`, `warning-text`, `error-text` can be passed as slots</h3>
            <FwTextarea cols={75} rows={5}
              label="Location identifier"
              placeholder="Enter landmark details"
              <div slot="hint-text">Enter location details</div>
            <FwTextarea cols={75} rows={1}
              label="Plot number"
              value="not applicable"

# Properties

Property Attribute Description Type Default
cols cols Width of the input box, specified as number of columns. number undefined
disabled disabled Disables the text area on the interface. If the attribute’s value is undefined, the value is set to false. boolean false
errorText error-text Error text displayed below the text box. string ''
hintText hint-text Hint text displayed below the text box. string ''
label label Label displayed on the interface, for the component. string ''
maxRows max-rows Max number of rows the textarea can create when user writes content greater than regular rows. number undefined
maxRowsDebounceTimer max-rows-debounce-timer Debounce timer for setting rows dynamically based on user input and maxRows, default is 200ms. number undefined
maxlength maxlength Maximum number of characters a user can enter in the input box. number undefined
minlength minlength Minimum number of characters a user must enter in the input box for the value to be valid. number undefined
name name Name of the component, saved as part of form data. string ''
placeholder placeholder Text displayed in the input box before a user enters a value. string undefined
readonly readonly If true, the user cannot enter a value in the input box. If the attribute’s value is undefined, the value is set to false. boolean false
required required Specifies the input box as a mandatory field and displays an asterisk next to the label. If the attribute’s value is undefined, the value is set to false. boolean false
resize resize Specifies the way in which the text area can be resized "both" \| "horizontal" \| "none" \| "vertical" 'both'
rows rows Height of the input box, specified as number of rows. number undefined
state state Theme based on which the input box is styled. "error" \| "normal" \| "warning" 'normal'
value value Default value displayed in the input box. string ''
warningText warning-text Warning text displayed below the text box. string ''
wrap wrap Type of text wrapping used by the input box. If the value is hard, the text in the textarea is wrapped (contains line breaks) when the form data is saved. If the value is soft, the text in the textarea is saved as a single line, when the form data is saved. "hard" \| "soft" 'soft'

# Events

Event Description Type
fwBlur Triggered when the input box loses focus. CustomEvent<any>
fwFocus Triggered when the input box comes into focus. CustomEvent<void>
fwInput Triggered when a value is entered in the input box. CustomEvent<any>

# Methods

# setFocus() => Promise<void>

Sets focus on a specific fw-textarea. Use this method instead of the global input.focus().

# Returns

Type: Promise<void>

# CSS Custom Properties

Name Description
--fw-error-color Color of the error text.
--fw-hint-color Color of the hint text.
--fw-textarea-input-color Color of the textarea input
--fw-textarea-margin-bottom Bottom margin for the textarea
--fw-textarea-min-height Min-Height of the textarea.
--fw-textarea-width Width of the textarea.
--fw-warning-color Color of the warning text.

# Dependencies

# Used by

# Graph

graph TD;
  fw-form-control --> fw-textarea
  style fw-textarea fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

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